Sub 定位选定单元格式相同的全部单元格()
Dim FirstCell As Range, FoundCell As Range
Dim AllCells As Range
With Application.FindFormat
.NumberFormatLocal = Selection.NumberFormatLocal
.HorizontalAlignment = Selection.HorizontalAlignment
.VerticalAlignment = Selection.VerticalAlignment
.WrapText = Selection.WrapText
.Orientation = Selection.Orientation
.AddIndent = Selection.AddIndent
.IndentLevel = Selection.IndentLevel
.ShrinkToFit = Selection.ShrinkToFit
.MergeCells = Selection.MergeCells
.Font.Name = Selection.Font.Name
.Font.FontStyle = Selection.Font.FontStyle
.Font.Size = Selection.Font.Size
.Font.Strikethrough = Selection.Font.Strikethrough
.Font.Subscript = Selection.Font.Subscript
.Font.Underline = Selection.Font.Underline
.Font.ColorIndex = Selection.Font.ColorIndex
.Interior.ColorIndex = Selection.Interior.ColorIndex
.Interior.Pattern = Selection.Interior.Pattern
.Locked = Selection.Locked
.FormulaHidden = Selection.FormulaHidden
End With
Set FirstCell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find(What:="", SearchFormat:=True)
If FirstCell Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set AllCells = FirstCell
Set FoundCell = FirstCell
Set FoundCell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find(after:=FoundCell, What:="", SearchFormat:=True)
If FoundCell Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Set AllCells = Union(FoundCell, AllCells)
If FoundCell.Address = FirstCell.Address Then Exit Do
End Sub